Impulse Random Tumble Pilling Tester 隨機翻滾起球測試儀

Impulse隨機翻滾起球測試儀Impulse Random Tumble Pilling Tester 


Impulse隨機翻滾起球測試儀,提供2個及4個艙位機型供選擇。在圓筒型測試艙內葉輪以1200 rpm的轉速恆定旋轉,帶動試樣與軟木墊磨摖以測試其起球狀態,透過起球判級圖判定級數。

透過互換式的葉輪設計,用戶可快速更換不同型式的葉輪及設定氣壓供應壓力,以符合ISO12945-3、ASTM D3512和JIS L1076 method D等標準測試要求,是一款可靠、準確、靈活的儀器。


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Impulse Random Tumble Pilling Tester


Random Tumble Pilling Tester, available in 4 or 2 chamber models, are the only instruments that offer interchangeable impellers and greatly improved sample rotation throughout the test to give reliability, accuracy and flexibility.


Interchangeable impellers, in able tests to be carried in accordance with 9 standards, which include options for air flow. Neoprene® rubber liner and cork liners are available for compliance to 9 standards.