Titan Universal Strength Tester多功能強力試驗機

Titan多功能強力試驗機 Titan Universal Strength Tester


Titan多功能強力試驗機,提供單柱式Titan5 - 5kN和雙柱式Titan10 - 10kN供用戶選擇,用於服裝、不織布和其他非紡織材料的全方位測試,包括拉伸強度、彈性回復、縫線滑脫、貼合強度、撕裂強度、圓球頂破強度、紗線強力以及成衣輔料如拉鏈、鈕釦強力試驗等,測試應用範圍包括紗線、織物、接縫、鞋類、繩索、帶子。配備TestWise™分析軟體系統,擁有不斷擴充國際標準和測試方法的強大資料庫,內建預設超過500種如AATCC、ASTM、ISO、 BS、JIS、GB等國際標準,以及Nike、adidas、Lululemon、Decathlon、Puma、Target、Next、M&S等知名品牌及零售商測試方法,用戶可自行設定測試條件。考量全球廣大用戶操作方便性,提供多國語言可供選擇使用。


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Titan Universal Strength tester


Titan Universal Testing Machine with TestWise™ software, available in 5kN and 10kN capacity models. A tensile tester suitable for testing a diverse range of applications - including apparel, nonwovens, and other non-textile materials. Test range of applications including Yarns、Fabrics、Seams、Shoes、Ropes、Straps.

Over 500 pre-loaded standards and retailer test methods, which the user can customize.


Titan is a Universal Strength tester which has been designed for accuracy, efficiency and ease of use. Tensile testing is used to understand and determine the maximum load that a material can withstand. The sample is subjected to a controlled tension until failure. Examples of properties that can be measured with Titan include, ultimate tensile strength, breaking strength, maximum elongation and reduction in area.


Titan10 is also a dual column instrument, meaning larger samples can be tested across a full range of tests including tension, compression, stretch and recovery, tear, peel, adhesion peel and other applications. It has a vertical test space of 1200 mm and a space between columns of 460 mm.